The AQQAsystem

The AQQAsystem


The so­lu­ti­on for long-term use

DescriptionLong term solution
UserLarge communities with high water demand
Filter quantity1000 to 30,000 litres of clean water per day
InnovationMembrane filter with high retention rate
CostsDepending on the size of the filter system
Empty weightDepending on the size of the filter system
Bacteria retention rate99,9999% (certified by BCS, Florida, USA)
DurabilityIndefinitely, single filter plates can easily be replaced if necessary

The AQQAsystem is based on the idea of the AQQAbag. It turns surface water into hygienically safe water on a larger scale. It can be installed directly at a water source or a river course.

First, the water is purified by the membranes in modular boxes equipped with our filter plates. The membranes have a retention effect of 99.9999 percent for bacteria. It is filtered only with the lowest pressure. This allows the dirt to detach from the filter plate by gravity alone.

The AQQAsystem can be used for months at a time without cleaning. It can be configured for many applications by stringing several modules together - from approx. 1000 to 30,000 litres per day. This makes our filter system a durable solution for supplying water to villages and communities where many people live.
