Become a permanent donor
Donate for a better life without thirst
The WeWater team works on a voluntary basis. In order to finance our development projects, we rely on donations. Help now with a donation!
Our non-profit status is recognized by the tax office.
We work on a voluntary basis and do not receive any salary, benefits in kind or any other compensation.
Since we are a small organization with flat hierarchies, we work very effectively. Virtually every euro goes to the goal of the statutes because we don't have to finance a huge administrative apparatus.
We work transparently, have published our statutes and in the blog as well as on our social media channels, you can follow exactly what is happening with your donations.
Use of funds
In general, administrative, organizational or even wage costs are viewed as critical in non-profit organizations. We are currently working with very low administrative costs. This includes costs for website hosting, account management fees, fundraising costs and costs for legal and tax advisors. At the moment we have no wage costs. Nevertheless, salary expenses will be necessary when our organisation reaches a certain size.
You can deduct donations to WeWater for tax purposes
WeWater gUG is recognized as a non-profit organization by the tax office (Finanzamt für Körperschaften I, Bredtschneiderstr. 5, 14057 Berlin) as of the 2nd of January 2019.
Donations to WeWater gemeinnützige UG are tax deductible according to § 10b Abs. 1 EStG. We confirm that the donations will only be used for the promotion of charitable purposes in the sense of the promotion of development cooperation according to §§ 52 Abs. 2 Satz 1 Nr.(n) 15 AO.
If you pay taxes in Germany
Donations up to €300 (new since 01.01.2021, previously €200) per year can be taxed without the need of a donation receipt (§ 50 Abs. 2 Nr. 2 Buchst. b EStDV). Simply submit your bank statement together with this document for donations made until 31.12.2020 or this document for donations made from 01.01.2021 onwards.
Important: For each donation by bank transfer, please indicate the intended purpose (e.g. monthly donation, one-time donation). This way we can allocate your donation correctly.
Important: Please state the purpose of each donation by transfer (e.g. monthly donation, one-time donation, donation for project xy). This way we can correctly allocate your donation.
For donations over €300 starting 01.01.2021 or over €200 until 31.12.2020 we will provide you with a donation receipt in order for you to claim them for tax purposes. Please send us an email to with your full name and address so we can send you your donation receipt.
You can find our statute here .